特价现货,一手货源 质量* PILZ中国区总代理 价格优势 德国制造 品质过硬 库存充足 全新现货 全系列 优质服务提供技术支持欢迎新老客户朋友询价选购下单部分图片可能与实物不同为图片选择错误所致,欢迎来电来函咨询 联系 Q pilz安全继电器技术参数 ,德国(pilz)的产品适用于机械工程的任何领域,从传统的自动化行业,如汽车制造业、食品加工业和木材加工业,到现代化的机场、剧院、缆车和游乐场。皮尔兹的产品不仅适用于标准的安全功能,如急停、安全门和双手控制,同时能为各种应用提供合适的解决方案。 pilz安全继电器技术参数 德国(pilz)是的创新自动化技术公司。作为人身、机器和环境保护的安全*,皮尔磁为**各行各业提供以客户为中心的解决方案。其中包括来自传感器、控制和驱动技术领域的创新产品与综合服务。 pilz安全继电器技术参数 8-channel digital output terminal 24 V DC, 2 A, total current 10 A, 2-wire system 16-channel digital output terminal 24 V DC, 0.5 A, flat-ribbon cable connection 16-channel digital output terminal 24 V DC, 0.5 A, flat-ribbon cable connection, switching to ground potential 16-channel digital output terminal 24 V DC, 0.5 A, switching to ground potential 4-channel digital output terminal, TwinSAFE, 24 V DC, 0.5 A 1-channel analog input terminal -10 V…+10 V, differential input, 12 bit 1-channel analog input terminal -10 V…+10 V, differential input, 12 bit 2-channel analog input terminal -10 V…+10 V, differential input, 12 bit 2-channel analog input terminal -10 V…+10 V, differential input, 12 bit 1-channel analog input terminal 0…20 mA, differential input, 12 bit 1-channel analog input terminal 0…20 mA, differential input, 12 bit 2-channel analog input terminal 0…20 mA, differential input, 12 bit 2-channel analog input terminal 0…20 mA, differential input, 12 bit 1-channel analog input terminal 4…20 mA, differential input, 12 bit 1-channel analog input terminal 4…20 mA, differential input, 12 bit 2-channel analog input terminal 4…20 mA, differential input, 12 bit 2-channel analog input terminal 4…20 mA, differential input, 12 bit 1-channel loop-powered input terminal 0…20 mA, with power supply for transducers via power contacts, 12 bit 1-channel loop-powered input terminal 0…20 mA, with power supply for transducers via power contacts, 12 bit 2-channel loop-powered input terminal 0…20 mA, with power supply for transducers via power contacts, 12 bit 2-channel loop-powered input terminal 0…20 mA, with power supply for transducers via power contacts, 12 bit 4-channel analog input terminal 0…20 mA, 12 bit 4-channel analog input terminal 0…20 mA, 12 bit 1-channel loop-powered input terminal 4…20 mA, with power supply for transducers via power contacts, 12 bit